Aruba Money

Aruba Money and Currency Detail - Exchange Rates, Aruba Travel Guide and Online Tourist Information

Currency Detail & Exchange Rate

Currency : Aruban Florin (AWG; symbol Æ) = 100 cents. Notes are in denominations of ƒ500, 100, 50, 25 and 10. Coins are in denominations of ƒ5, 2.5 and 1, and 50, 25, 10 and 5 cents.

The Aruban Florin is tied to the US Dollar.

The US Dollar is widely accepted. Other currencies can be exchanged in banks.

£1.00= ƒ2.7
$1.00= ƒ1.79
€1.00= ƒ2.34

Data: 17 July, 2013

Credit Cards and ATMs

Major credit cards are widely accepted ( many shops and hotels) and ATMs accepting Visa, MasterCard and cards.

Traveller's Cheques

Travellers are advised to take traveller's cheques in US Dollars or Euros.