Thailand Weather

Thailand Weather (Climate Info), Best Time to Visit Thailand, Average Temperature

The Weather In Thailand

The best time to visit Thailand is usually between November and February when the monsoon is adding cool, dry air to the temperature. Even then the temperatures range anywhere from the low seventies to eighty five degrees during the day, but the nights can get cold in the higher altitudes, and can even drop to thirty five degrees in some areas. During the summer months Bangkok is hot and humid, with temperatures reaching one hundred degrees, and the humidity stays around seventy five percent, but the hottest month is April.
The rain comes from July to October when the average humidity is over ninety percent, and the average temperature is well above eighty degrees.

The southern region only has two seasons: The Southeast Coast has rain from September through December, and the Southwest Coast has heavy rain storms from April through October. It rains more in the southern part of Thailand; the central and northern part of the country get about forty percent less rain than the south.