Portugal Weather

Portugal Weather, Climate Information, Portugal Travel Guide and Tourist Information

Portugal Weather Patterns

Portugal weather patterns are considered Mediterranean and that means the country is one of the warmest in Europe. Yearly temperatures average 55°F in the north and 64°F in the south. The Azores and Madeira are warmer. Madeira is very dry throughout the year, but the Azores receive a lot of rain when it is compared to other parts of the country.

Spring and summer temperatures range from 86°F to 95°F in the middle of the country, and 70°F to 80°F in the north. The fall and winter months are windy and rainy, but there are still plenty of sunny days to enjoy. Temperatures stay around 41°F to 50°F during those months, but it gets colder inland. Snow is common in the northern mountains during the colder months, but it tends to melt quickly as spring approaches.

See Best Time To Visit Portugal.