Australia Weather

Australia Weather & Climate General Information - Australia Travel Guide

The weather in Australia is seasonal. Summer is from December through February, spring is September to November, fall is March to May and winter is June through August.

The weather patterns change constantly based on the fact that Australia is the driest inhabited continent on the planet and it experiences a temperate climate on the southern eastern coast, as well as in the south and the south-western tip.

The average temperature is around 30 degrees Celsius in the summer and 15 degrees in the winter. The central and northern parts of the country have a tropical climate and so does Queensland and the northern parts of the West.

There’s a wet season and a dry season and they both last six months. It’s humid, hot and uncomfortable in the tropic areas until the rains arrive; they bring some relief to the area. The central area is the driest and is usually suffers drought conditions throughout the year. It does snow along the Great Dividing Range, which is the mountain range that runs through Victoria and New South Wales, but the rest of Australia is usually snow free.