Amsterdam Airport

Amsterdam Airports (Schiphol) and Flights, Amsterdam Travel Guide and Online Tourist Information

Approximate flight times

New York is 7 hours 10 minutes
Los Angeles is 11 hours
Toronto is 7 hours

Amsterdam Airport; Schiphol

is one of the busiest airports in the world, situated 15 km south-west of the city.

Code: AMS 

Postal adress: Luchthaven Schiphol Postbus 7501 1118 ZG Schiphol Nederland

Visiting adress: Luchthaven Schiphol Evert v/d Beekstraat 202 1118 CP Schiphol Nederland

Telephone number From inside the
Netherlands: 0900-0141, EUR 0,40 p.m.
From outside
the Netherlands: +31-207940800